Bind Examples In Javascript

1. Defined a function

  var fn = function (x, y, z) {
    console.log("The value: ", this.shangHai);
    console.log("The sum is: ", x + y + z);

2. Run it



  The value:  undefined
  The sum is:  NaN
  fn(1, 2, 3);


  The value:  undefined
  The sum is:  6

3. Run it with bind

3.1. Less

  fn.bind(null, 1, 2, 3);


  function () { [native code] }

Hmm…, seems bind return a function rather apply the function and return value.

What will happen if invoke the new function?

  fn.bind(null, 1, 2, 3)();


  The value:  undefined
  The sum is:  6

That is what we want.

3.2. More

What are results respectively of following expressions?

  • fn.bind(null, 1)()
  • fn.bind(null, 1)(2)
  • fn.bind(null, 1, 2)()
  • fn.bind(null, 1, 2)(3)
  • fn.bind(null, 1).bind(null, 2)()
  • fn.bind(null, 1).bind(null, 2)(3)

Take one example

  fn.bind(null, 1, 2)(3);


  The value:  undefined
  The sum is:  6

How it produce result 6? Because bind return is actually a partially applied function of fn.

In JavaScript words, the new function got return is a closure which holding 1st and 2nd parameters for function fn and ready to accept the third parameter in order to fully apply function fn.

The concept is named Currying and find more in Further section.

PS: turns out that bind is not really doing Currying according to here and here. It is Partially Function Application more than Currying though it can do Currying at some sense.

4. Run with bind and context

What I really mean context here is actually about this used in the function. Still now, this.shangHai always output undefined but we would like it to mean something.

fn.bind({ shangHai: "lovely" }, 1, 2, 3)();


  The value:  lovely
  The sum is:  6

This time this.shangHai outputs “lovely” which obviously comes from the object that pass as first parameter of bind.

Generally speaking,=this= will be the object that pass in as the first parameter of bind when the object is not null.

Quiz: what this will be when passing null?

5. Diff with call and apply

My understanding the key point is bind return a function.

By contract, call and apply is all about providing another way for invoking a function.

6. Further