Additional VIM commands
1. Commands
:set number/nonumber
- show/hidden the line number
- search the whole word ’the’
- un-highlight the search result temporaryly
:set hlsearch/nohlsearc
- set highlight/not highlight the search result
- x
- dl (delete character under the cursor)
- X
- dh (delete character left of the cursor)
- D
- d$ (delete to end of the line)
- C
- c$ (change to end of the line)
- s
- cl (change one character)
- S
- cc (change a whole line)
- The “.” command is one of the most simple yet powerful commands in Vim. It repeats the last change. change case of the character under the cursor, and move the cursor to the next character. This is not an operator (unless ’tildeop’ is set), thus you can’t use it with a motion command. It does works in Visual mode and changes case for all the selected text then.
2. Start up settings for GUI Vim
" Windows size set columns=110 set lines=40 "Max mine Windows when open au GUIEnter * simalt ~x " set scheme color murphy " set font set guifont=courier_new:h10 " Turn off useless toolbar set guioptions-=T " Turn off right-hand scroll-bar set guioptions-=r " Turn off menu bar set guioptions-=M